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Horsham Nursery School



Safeguarding Children at  Horsham Nursery School

Horsham Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children, staff and visitors. It is everyone’s responsibility to share this commitment.

Are you concerned about a child?

You must record your concerns without delay.

Do NOT conduct your own investigation.

Contact a member of the safeguarding team; record your factual concerns including day, date, time, nature of concern, body map (if appropriate) and your signature on a Disclosure Form.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead’s (DSL’s) are:


Lead DSL:

Liz Mellor





Safeguarding Governor:

Julia Kirk



Deputy DSLs:

 Katie Dyrda

 Assistant Head     Teacher 

      Tina     Fosberry

     Lead Practitioner for

   Under 3’s

      Heidi      Thomhave


   Explorer’s Lead

Chloe    Hibbs

Discoverer's  Lead

Jane Coates     School       Business  Manager






THINK: “What if I’m right”, NOT “What if I’m wrong”

Contact number: 01403224430

Contact email: dsl@horshamnursery.co.uk

 Safeguarding Governor: jkirk@horshamnursery.co.uk

If you are worried about a child in West Sussex contact the Integrated Front Door on 01403 229900, email WSChildrenservices@westsussex.gov.uk or use the following link to report your concerns: 


If you think the child is in immediate danger, you should call the police. 

For concerns about suspected harm or abuse, request support West Sussex Integrated Front Door on 01403 229900 or WSChildrenServices@westsussex.gov.uk